Hicks Birth Information
Choose the State that is Underlined for the link to this area.
We hope to add more information, as time permits. If interested bookmark
this page, in your favorite link and return often.
Alab. |
Ariz. |
Ark. | Ca. | Colo. | Conn. | Fla. | Ga. | Id. | Ill. |
Iowa |
Ks. | Ky. | Louis. | Maine | Md. | Mass. | Mich. | Mn. | |
Miss. |
Mo. | Mont. | Neb. |
Nev. |
N.H. | N. J. | N.M. | N.Y. | N.C. |
Ohio | Okla. | Oreg. | Penn. |
R.I. | S.C. | S.D. | Tenn. | Tex. | Ut. |
Vt. | Va. | W.Va. | Wis. | Wy. |
Please check back, as we continue to add more Birth information to this page. If you would like to share any of your Hicks Family Birth information, from your research to this page, just make sure that you have correct data and then send it along to me, and I will be happy add it to this information. Thanks
Happy Hicks Researching!!