Hicks Death Information
Alab. |
Ariz. |
Ark. | Ca. | Colo. | Conn. | Fla. | Ga. | Id. | Ill. |
Iowa |
Ks. | Ky. | Louis. | Maine | Md. | Mass. | Mich. | Mn. | |
Miss. |
Mo. | Mont. | Neb. |
Nev. |
N.H. | N. J. | N.M. | N.Y. | N.C. |
Ohio | Okla. | Oreg. | Penn. |
R.I. | S.C. | S.D. | Tenn. | Tex. | Ut. |
Vt. | Va. | W.Va. | Wis. | Wy. |
Please check back, as we continue to add more Death information to this page. If you would like to share any of your Hicks Family Death information, from your research on the Hicks/Hix family to this page, make just send it along to me, and I will be happy add it to this information with a notation that you were the contributor. Thanks
Happy Hicks Researching!!
Happy Hicks Researching and I hope this information will help you in making some new contacts and family cousin connections!!