Searching for the ancestors and descendants of  Hillyard Hicks was born on 26 Dec 1791 in N.C. or Virginia. He died on 7 Jan 1878 in Chico,Butte Co. California  He was married to an Unknown Ledsinger/Letsinger.Death date unknown.

Unknown Ledsinger\Letsinger died before 1854. Hillyard Hicks and Unknown Ledsinger\Letsinger had the following children:   UNKNOWN HICKS was born in 1815. She died in DIED YOUNG TWIN.
John Wesley Hicks; E.C. Hicks; Daniel Crawford Hicks; Cynthia A. Hicks was born in 1829 in Indiana. Samuel Eskridge Hicks\Hix (This child is not proved as a child of Hillyard);and Hillyard Stephen Hicks.

Hillyard Hicks  was married to#2 Marissa Osbone on 26 Dec 1835 in Greene Co. Indiana. Marissa Osbone was born in 1803 in KENTUCKY. She died UNKNOWN.

Hillyard Hicks was married to #3 Caroline Carson (daughter of UNKNOWN CARSON).Caroline was a widow of John Kirk when she married Hillyard Hicks in 1854. Caroline Carson was born in 1813 in DICKSON, TENN.. She died on 2 Aug 1888 in CHICO, BUTTE CO.CA.

Hillyard Hicks and Caroline Carson had one Child: Margaret Emma Hicks.  I would love to contact anyone that might be related to any of the above children and find the parents of Hillyard.  Thanks for your interest.

Virginia Hicks
5610 Gitta Ria Court  
Citrus Heights, Ca. 95610

The following might take some time to load. Hope you will be patient. The information was shared by Robert Hicksspider@ipa.net

Thought I would send it to you anyway and maybe help others.

The family Ezra's Father (unknown) left Ireland just after the 1790's uprising of the United Irish married a Pennsylvannia women (unknown) and lived in Maryland (most likely NW). In the 1830's started a migration west, Ezra John Hicks (siblings unknown) was born in Tuscarawus, Ohio in 1835 according to NARA (no birth record. He was in Indiana when the war broke out and vol. for service. He served until the war ended then was recorded in Indiana, Illinois, Texas, Arkansas, Florida.

Robert (Bob) Hicks